“Just” PMSing

When you lie in bed
tossing and turning,
thoughts like a whirlwind,
your peace they are burning.

When you feel so ashamed,
of that thing you have done.
When all of the kindness for yourself
seems to be gone.

Pick up your phone,
open that app,
and check if it’s your hormones
setting up a trap.

Because while you’re analyzing, ruminating, worrying, obsessing,
you’re probably, annoyingly “just” PMSing.

Put decisions on hold.
Don’t do anything rash.
Throw every negative thought straight in the trash.

It’s not you, it’s not true,
or at worst, it’s exaggerated.
Minor worries for a few days disturbingly inflated.

You’re still making progress,
You haven’t lost the plot.
You’ll feel calmer again,
even if right now you simply feel a lot.

It’s a monthly shit show,
let’s say it like it is,
but you, my dear, are so much more than this.

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