Sofie Couwenbergh author headshot
This website is where I share little texts about anything and everything that occupies my mind, and longer pieces that center around a redefinition of entrepreneurial success in terms of life quality rather than revenue.

It’s where I explore the idea that life and work are not separate – There is no going “back to reality” after the weekend – and ask myself and you how to lead a fulfilling life as an entrepreneur without running yourself to the ground.

Whatever happens here is experimentation, a step away from the highly optimized and organized work I do as a blog content strategist and B2B writer.

I don’t want to pay too much attention to the “shoulds” of digital marketing or online publishing. I want to let this grow organically, see where it leads, and take you on that journey with me.

I’m no expert, no “guru” to follow. But I’m a thinker, and I figured that if I think publicly, those who care about the same things can think along with me. Maybe that’s you?

If so, sign up for my monthly newsletter. There, I’ll share things like:

  • what I’ve been doing
  • what I’ve been thinking
  • what I’ve been reading
  • what I want to do next
  • what I’m feeling resistance toward
  • what I’m looking forward to

while exploring how I can combine my passion for writing, continuous self-development, experience with entrepreneurship, and desire to live a nourishing life without burning out again (yes, I’ve been there).

You can unsubscribe at any time.

A bit more about me and my work

In 2012, I launched a travel blog. In 2015, Wonderful Wanderings became my full-time occupation, and I sold the whole brand in the summer of 2023. That business taught me a lot, but that’s probably material for an article I’ll write one day.

The years before I became fully self-employed, I worked for a press agency and as a marketing coordinator and copywriter for a publishing house. I’ve had my experience with the 9-to-5 and it wasn’t for me.

Aside from publishing my writing on this website, I also run an Instagram stories series called Litte Things on my public personal account. Each day, I share one or more little things that brought me joy, warmed my heart, or made my day better in another way. Little Things is all about consciously paying attention to all the good things that happen every day, and training our brains to look for the positive rather than focus on the negative.