Moving Boldly Into the Unknown

Why is business success still defined in terms of revenue and growth?
Books mostly written about scaling and becoming better known?
I don’t identify with getting bigger, pushing “just because”.
Neither do I want to become louder,
be present everywhere,
create a lot of fuss.

Instead, I’m trying to find that balance,
between skill, joy, and “enough”,
the things I’m good at,
that light me up,
and the money to comfortably live off.

I barely see my way forward,
but there’s a feeling that I can’t ignore.
The urge to create something different,
to do something I haven’t done before.

It’s scary and exciting
yet I’m feeling a little stuck,
trying to inch my way forward,
knowing that what I need is to take action,
to not rely on luck.

And maybe most of all to accept,
that none of this may work out.
That I’ll inevitably waste time,
do things that won’t take hold.
That confidence won’t come out of nowhere,
it requires me to be bold.

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