The Peacock Feather

Well over a year ago, I was walking around Tapada das Necessidades. Peacocks live there, and a little girl had collected beautiful long peacock feathers that had somehow left their owner(s).

As I was about to cross her and her dad, she just casually handed me a peacock feather. “Para ti,” she said. Or something along those lines.

I accepted.

Nothing more. The moment was over before it had well begun.

I walked home with that feather.
That feather moved apartments with me.

I bet that little girl decided in a split second she’d give me a feather and didn’t think twice about it.
I bet she didn’t ask herself if I would think it was weird that she gave me a feather.
I bet she didn’t worry that I’d think she may have wanted something in return.

She just wanted to give me a feather and so that’s what she did.
I’m sure there’s a lesson in there.

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