Save Yourself

There is this quote that goes around Instagram.
It comes down to: “The only one who is going to save you, is you.”
I used to find that disheartening
because I knew that it was true.

Then I learned that I can regulate my nervous system,
know more than doctors about how to treat my specific case,
listen to my gut, to the signals of my body,
I’m even learning how to give myself some grace.

I learned how to recognize my patterns
and create neural pathways that lift me up.
I’m even approaching the acceptance that a different life isn’t necessarily worse,
and that one can’t keep running on an almost empty cup.

It’s all a work in progress,
and I still have a long way to go.
But even with all of the challenges ahead of me,
there is one thing I now know.

There is this quote that goes around Instagram.
It comes down to: “The only one who is going to save you, is you.”
I think that’s so empowering
because I know that it is true.

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